With video games becoming a bigger more diverse medium, we at Talon Marks couldn’t stop wondering what is the opinion of students on what they think about females playing video games? Here is what they had to say.
1. Destiny Mendoza Nursing Major
“If they wanna(play video games) go for, If they like it go for it play it.”
2. Kimberly Gallegos Psychology Major
“There’s nothing wrong with it, if they like it, that’s pretty cool.”
3. Kimberly Mendez Chemistry Major
“Well I played video games for a while and honestly if you like it, do it.”
4. Anthony Vaquer Undecided Major
“It’s fine, people could do what they want.”
5. Daniel Yepez Anthropology Major
“Uh, I think it’s cool, it’s more diversity in the gaming world.”
6. Samantha Perez Child Development Major
“Well, I love video games, I personally think that females could play video games if they want to and there’s nothing wrong with it. I think it’s normal.”