Chief Justice Alejandra Lopez called the meeting to order then proceeded with the flag salute, roll call, approval of past minutes, and opened the floor to the public forum which had no participants.
The next regular agenda meeting will be Tuesday, Feb.17 at 11 a.m. in room BK 111.
With the absence of two out of eight court members the planned agenda items were pushed back to Tuesday, Feb. 17 at 11 a.m.
The next item on the agenda was the advisers report in which Dean of Student Services Gilbert Contreras reported that the library reserves will not need to use all of the $30,000 of its book reserves budget so it will request to spend the remaining budget on other library needs such as graphic calculators.
In the members report, a Court member said that complaints about violent disturbances in the computer labs where brought to his attention.
He suggested that the Court approves the hire of one or two students or security guards for patrols in the computer labs.
The Court agreed to look into the issue further before making a decision.
Court agreed to have the items of business the student government notations and the discussion of online voting to be pushed back to the next court meeting’s agenda.
The ASCC court only has seven members and the Chief Justice, so when two members are absent important agenda topics have to be pushed back.
Another item on the agenda was the election board election in which the Court could have to nominate and vote on members of the election board for the 2015 presidential and trustee elections.
For that agenda item a special meeting will be held. The time and date of the meeting is yet to be determined.
Lopez said, “we have to by law our blue book, says we have to post the special meeting agenda 72 hours prior to the meeting. In front of the ASCC there’s a glass (bulletin) it will be posted right there.”