Among all the clubs that Cerritos College offers, there is one at the Social Science Building that feeds those who are hungry for knowledge and wisdom.
For those who question the fundamental problems that surround our world nowadays, Philosophy Club awaits.
The meetings are every Tuesday at 11 a.m. at the Social Sciences Building in room 137, Film & Discussion: Journey of the Universe will be shown March 3.
The club invites students to be part of these meetings to find answers to the most recent hot topics related to religious studies, science and technology.
Considered as the microscope of wisdom, philosophy is the science of thinking beyond looking for the answers of fundamental problems.
Philosophy professor and adviser of the club, Ana Torres-Bower, plays an important role in the department alongside with her partners and students whose goals are to create a friendly space that leads students to success.
“One of the purposes of the club is to have that student and teacher conversation in topics that are not covered in time at the classes,” Torres said.
Occasionally, the club held meetings known as Socrates’ Cafe, where the group watches a film and discuss the philosophical point of view from it.
In some cases, the club has special guests that give a presentation regarding a specific topic where on occasions the room is filled by an audience according to its schedule.
“This club is our pride and joy because everyone helps and everyone works to make it happen,” Torres said.
Brainstorming ideas helps the club gather topics that the Cerritos College community are concerned about and can be brought to the table; religion, being one of the hot topics.
The purpose of philosophy is to think correctly to become a better person in order to make fewer mistakes according to Torres.
The teachings that the club and the department offer aims to have students apply this knowledge in their lives and share it with future generations.
The students do not need to major in Philosophy to join the club, it is open for everyone to enjoy a good session of wisdom and go back to his daily routine with a new perspective.