Abortion. Nothing sends hardcore conservatives into a rage than that single word, well except for the phrase “gun control.”
Except when the topic is being discussed, inevitably it will lead to Planned Parenthood.
In truth, it was this video that was part of a two year sting by a pro-life group that’s been trying to bring down Planned Parenthood.
Now the video is heavily edited, but the context of it is that Dr. Deborah Nucatola, is talking about the process by which a fetus is removed and its organs salvaged.
The legality of the issue is heavily argued and on gray legal area.
But that is not the issue. The issue is how people don’t understand that Planned Parenthood is more than just abortions, so instead of following the pro-life bandwagon and demonizing women who go there not just for other health services, people should do their research and help maintain these facilities.
Don’t deny women the right to low-income women’s care on the basis of one religious group or beliefs, understand that there are a lot of reasons why women go to these places, not just for abortion.
No, what’s really at stake is how much resistance there is to Planned Parenthood. As soon as its mentioned, pro-lifers, who let’s be honest don’t give a shit about the women or the unborn fetuses, go into a frothing rage about how it’s murder and the “life starts at conception” phrase starts flying around.
What people don’t understand is that Planned Parenthood isn’t just about abortions, it’s about prenatal care for low-income women, usually women of color, STD testing, plan B pills and contraception.
That’s why Planned Parenthood is so vital.
In fact according to their services chart, only 3 percent of their services are actually abortion services.
You can check out the statistics here.