Even though a majority of the public comments voiced for support of the anti-Donald Trump resolution, the board of trustees voted not to support it.
Dr. Sandra Salazar, board member, said, “Some members chose to focus on the political meaning.”
Board President Carmen Avalos said that she wanted to represent the school as a whole, even if it included to voice the opinion of those that support GOP candidate Trump.
“I wanted to take a stance against hate speech.” Salazar said. “I wanted to give a voice to students, with no voice, to come to college without fear.”
Administrative matters agenda item 31, brought up by Salazar, recommended that the board of trustees adopt resolution No. 15-1105B.
Resolution No. 15-1105B both stated to stand against the hurtful words said by Trump about immigrant families and to cut off ties with businesses affiliated with Trump.
Even though the agenda item was deep in the agenda, the board members pushed the item to be first after public comments.
A fitting move, given the fact that students and community members, both young and old, rose from the audience and demanded that the board adopt the anti-Trump resolution.
Seven speakers spoke to stand with the resolution.
When the time to vote came the resolution was not adopted.
Avalos was the main person mentioned during the public comments, as speakers used her immigrant background to sway her to adopt the resolution.
She said, “I am proud [of being an immigrant], still proud.”
Aside from all the Trump-talk, one speaker changed the tone of the meeting and spoke in support of non-religious invocation.
David Fabish, instructional dean of Liberal Arts, spoke on behalf of Association of Cerritos College Management Employees [ACCME].
He said that ACCME will not support invocation.
The board acknowledged the ASCC financial report. David El Fattal, vice president of Business Services, said, “Budget is in balance, for the year.”
Agenda item 28 recommended the board to review invocation at the beginning of meetings.
Board member John Paul Drayer was still not confident in adopting invocation because he wants to know what the cost would be for the school if invocation gets the school sued by a group that hypothetically would strongly appose it.