With countless terror attacks, civil wars, tension between races, religions and between nations it seems as though we are headed for a third world war.
At times like this, however, it is important that we as a human race stay united against the evils of the world that are trying to destroy everything and anything that lays in their path.
Terrorist acts like those of Sep. 11, Paris, San Bernardino and the subway attack that most recently happened in London are completely unbearable.
The blame for these acts can and should only be placed on the radical groups, and individuals, who are responsible for committing these crimes.
ISIL, Al-Qaeda and any other terrorist groups do not represent Islam as a whole.
The same can be said for radicalized Irish Catholics.
They do not represent Catholicism as a whole.
Just as not all caucasians are racist, not all African Americans are gang members and not all Germans are Nazis.
The list can go on and on.
The point being- not all muslims are terrorist.
Terrorists can be anyone.
We can’t blame the blameless.
To make a comment, like Trump did, that insinuated his legislation would be “okay” with having muslim-american born citizens register into a database is preposterous.
What would make us any different from Nazi Germany?
The simple answer, it wouldn’t.
America runs as a democracy.
We are given access to rights that our forefathers felt we were born into.
Natural rights.
It is these rights that give us the opportunity to vote for our leaders.
So, why would we want to vote for someone who is beginning to look like nothing more than a power hungry, fascist dictator.
Trump is not the only one making asinine comments to the media.
Republican Presidential candidate hopeful, Ted Cruz, also made a comment in which he said, “Majority of violent criminals are democrats.”
It is these comments made by close minded individuals that cause separation and unrest amongst Americans.
These are time we need to stand together.
We should come together, with the world, to help support each other when, or if, terror attacks happen again on American soil.
We can’t go around pointing fingers at those not responsible, or at the government, for some, not acting quickly enough.
This is a time to stand for peace and a time to stand in unity.
We need to remember lives that have been lost and those who are fighting so that we may continue to have the freedoms that we posses. There’s no need to live in fear.
To proceed on the side of caution and show the evils of this world that they can not take what humanity is left.