“I think they should. I’ve always thought that it was a very big double standard. Men don’t get judged as harshly as women. Women get plastered as the one who carries the scarlett A letter Men don’t get judged as harshly because it’s their ‘nature.’” Demi Alvarez, criminology major, said.
“I think they should because women enjoy sex as much as guys do, but when women say they enjoy sex they get slut-shamed for it, but when guys do it, it’s considered cool.” Beverly Foster, Business major, said.
“I think women should half equal rights and they should express how they feel about sex,” Richard Santoscoy, accounting major, said.
“It’s not that it’s wrong because she’s a woman, but expressing your sexual desires should only be between you and your partner, it shouldn’t be said to the whole world.” Layla Saab, marketing major, said.
“I don’t see why not. Definitely. If men do it, women should too. Gender shouldn’t be an issue,” Christopher Martinez, psychology major, said.