MAJOR FUNCTIONS OF THE BOARD1) Comply with provisions of the Education Code as they pertain to functions of the Board.2) Establish policies for the operation of the college.3) Adopt the rules and regulations for the governance of the District.4) Select the Chief Executive Officer of the District for a term not to exceed four (4) years and at such compensation as it may designate and to evaluate annually.5) Employ academic and classified personnel upon nomination and recommendation of the administration and establish their appropriate placement on the applicable salary schedule.6) Consider reports from the administrative officers concerning the progress and condition of the college.7) Adopt the annual budget.8) Consider reports of business transactions and of the financial condition of the District.9) Provide adequate facilities, equipment, supplies, and other necessary facilities for the operation of the college.10) Provide for the establishment of the necessary procedures to assure proper accounting of receipts, disbursements, and balances.11) Authorize preparation for plans and specifications for new construction, additions, and major alterations to the physical plant.12) In accordance with the requirements of Education Code Section 81656 review purchase transactions every sixty days.13) Provide for periodic audit of funds of the District as provided by law, including those of student organizations, and others handled under the supervision of the District.14) Adopt education programs and the courses of study upon the recommendation of the administration.15) Approve the College Fiscal and Academic calendars.16) Serve as a Board of Final Appeal for employees, students, and constituents of the District. EC 7223117) Consider communications from citizens or organizations on matters.18) Approve advisory committee memberships.19) Participate in the interview and selection process for the president, vice presidents, and all line management/administrative positions that report directly to the President/Superintendent. Final selection and employment for all other management/administrative positions, except under unusual circumstances, shall be based upon the President/Superintendent’s recommendation of a candidate to the Board of Trustees for approval of employment.