Originating as one of Stephen King’s Horror Stories, Pet Sematary first arrived on box office screens in 1989 and returned to theaters in April 2019.
Pet Sematary has been sending chills down people’s spines since its conception and it’s new modern remake carries on it’s legacy.
Trailers gave the audience the anticipation of a direct remake of the original movie, a happy family looking for peace in a rural place only to discover they’ve moved onto an ancient burial ground with dark alluring powers.
The movie continues as the original only with a major twist on the plot. The twist serves as a fresh look at the movie for viewers of the original movie and provides a little bit of a shock factor and the best part, the twist in the plot was Stephin King approved.
Fans of the book will always say the book is better than the film, which is agreeable, and film natzis will tell you the original movie was better, which is also agreeable, but what can’t be denied is how great the new movie turned out.
It is the best horror film remake to be in theaters in since Halloween 2018. Since then its been nothing but Happy Death Day let downs and the embarrassment that was The Nun.
All the original characters are included in Pet Sematary 2019, the family cat named Church after Churchill, who has gained quick stardom for his excellent animal acting in this movie. Louis Creed and his wife Racheal, their kids Ellie and Cage. And the loving Jud Crandal who is their neighbor and soon family friend.
All cast members did an incredible job, their sadness and anxieties were felt in the movie theatre which makes for a great film.
Horror movie remakes are great fun to watch in theaters, it feels great to be able to see your favorite horror movies on the big screen and not just your living room T.V. Pet Sematary is a great watch for new age horror fans and old school horror fans.