Lack of sleep affects your life in a variety of negative ways.
Ever wondered why experts say sleeping a period of six to eight hours can extend your life? Well it’s simple, sleeping a normal amount of time will prevent a couple a difficulties people face when tired.
For example, if stressed, you’re likely to go to bed but still be unable to fall to sleep.
Being in bed thinking and relaxing isn’t sleeping. This will affect you the next day, when you’re even more tired and even more stressed with the things you have haven’t done, or whatever it is affecting your sleep.
As a student, you will be sleepy during class and your grades will reflect it, when a sudden quiz is given out and you were napping unconsciously as you battled to keep your eyes open.
Completing regular day tasks becomes overwhelming. If your activities are school, work, and gym, one or more of the three will be negatively affected.
You won’t perform your best because you’re too tired.
Many young people rely on those sugary energy drinks that at the time seems to be the right choice since they give you the strength for the extra mile, but in the long run, students are actually harming themselves.
The energy drinks contain large amounts of caffeine and other ingredients like taurine that have not been studied and contain double or more the caffeine found in a single cup of coffee.
Unlike coffee, if an energy drink is drank fast,it can cause seizures and cardiac arrest. Energy drinks can also cause dental enamel erosion.
Cases of addiction to these drinks have become increasingly common.
These drinks will enhance your lack of sleep by keeping you tossing and turning at night.
It is important for students to try to maintain a clear equilibrium of body and mind.
Without any of the two working properly the ability to excel academically becomes something harder to accomplish.
Lack of sleep also can negatively affect your mood. People get upset and irritable very fast which can damage their social life and relationships with those they care for.
Your appetite is also influenced by your sleep, some people tend to eat more in an attempt to obtain the energy they lack from food and sugary drinks, this also leads to another problem which is obesity, and the chain continues.
Other people have different effects on their appetite when they’re lacking sleep, in fact they are so tired, food is the last thing on their mind, and this again can lead to malnutrition.
Sleep definitely affects your life as a student in so many aspects. A small amount of the issues are mentioned above, but it is a chain reaction.
Just like Isaac Newton once said, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
Make sure you take the first step by getting the appropriate amount of sleep and things will start to look up.