There was an event called “Self-care and Optimizing Energy Levels” for Domestic Violence Awareness Month, which took place on Oct. 27 at 1 p.m. at the Student Center.
This event was hosted by Angel Gray, a campus victim advocate who hosts events like this every month that have to do with spreading awareness for mental health, domestic violence and other topics like this.
Koby Hormon, an aspiring software engineer here at Cerritos College, has helped many students since her arrival in July 2019.
She gives support advice all confidential and has even made referral for people to get the proper help they need in hard situations.
The aspiring software engineer is available on campus to give help and support to students and faculty who may be going through domestic violence, sexual violence and stalking cases.
Hormon said that domestic violence cases will oftentimes lead to long term issues in victims and leave them with everlasting trauma to deal with for the rest of their lives.
Angel passed out an activity sheet that was titled “trauma tapping technique” it showed 16 different animated pictures on different tapping motions towards your face, head, fingers and chest.
She practiced these motions with us and the instructions said to think lightly while tapping rhythmically for about fifteen times on each point while taking deep breaths in and out with continuous repeating until you feel calm.
This exercise helps you really calm your body and stress helping you release all tension leaving you enlightened.
The campus advocate explained how this event was touching to him and shared that the activity enlightened her because of the stressful situations, “when you feel stuck in that ongoing feeling and no way of calming yourself.”
Hormon went on and shared how important informative and how perspective changing this event was for him as it was his first event related to domestic violence, He ever attended.
He never saw himself at a place like this but he felt it was necessary because it was important to him and stated that he has had someone close to him go through domestic violence.
The software engineer at Cerritos added that he was frustrated that he felt not be being able to help and not knowing how to support.
He felt bad he felt because it was someone he loves and deeply cares for he no longer wanted to feel helpless and wanted to learn what he could do in future situations.
After learning about how impacting this is long term and being given a exercise he can provide, he now has a new understanding and way to help someone going through domestic violence.
“Attending this event showed [..] how to be a better network of support to that individual,” Hormon said.