(Photo Slide Show) Thom Armstrong, presidential finalist, plans to make his presence known his first year in office and explained in an open forum on Wednesday at 4 p.m., how he will set the tone as President his first year.
“It’s the time period that you have to get to know people, get to know the institution and to change you common vision.
Armstrong was the third candidate this week, and the second on Wednesday, to participate in an open forum before an audience filled of faculty members, classified employees and students.
By setting the tone, the former president of Copper Mountain College plans to have an open door policy, attend meetings of various groups on campus and have good communication and dialogue with faculty, staff and students.
Armstrong did recognize the issue of the economy and stated, “There will be cuts.”
“The reality is, how do you continue to fund everything and this where the college has to come together based upon fiscal reality,” Armstrong said.
Armstrong discussed one challenge aside from the budget crisis.
He plans to continue the momentum of going forward with regards to the accreditation recommendations.
Armstrong has been involved in accreditation teams and claims to have a good relationship with the commission.
“I think I’ve been in a position to assist those who are already working in addressing the commission recommendations that will be beneficial to the institution.
The open forums will continue on Thursday as Cerritos hosts the last two candidates to partake in the open forum.
Barry Russell is scheduled at 11 a.m. and Richard Rose at 4 p.m. in the science building, room 201.
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