Question: What are your thoughts about graffiti in Cerritos College?
- Vivian Hernandez- Major pharmacy tech.
“Here at school I think its really bad, alot of graffiti is just exploitive of gangs and its nonsense to them, our school represent education and knowledge and a way of growth.”
- Lewis Gonzalez- Major undecided
“I think it’s unnecessary it’s bad, theres no point it’s just bad to see words all around the school.”
- Alyson Landry- Major special effects
“Its wrong to deface public property, but I guess it’s okay if you go by a permit.”
- Riego Cano- Major undecided
“It’s awful why would you destroy something thats not yours basically I wouldn’t go to your home and graffiti your house so why do it somewhere else.
- Darant Redmand- Major physcial therapy
“On certain places it shouldn’t be permitted like on a fancy restaurant or something like that, because its not really appropriate for places like that its certain time and place to do stuff like that and on top of that you shouldn’t do it anyways.”
- Lyzette Purisima- Major undecided
“It’s good and bad if you use it for the wrong reasons.”