What is more important education or playing video games? Education should be on top of every student’s list.
Video games tend to get students distracted from doing more important things like studying and finishing homework.
Homework and studying isn’t really that fun, but it should be important for every student who is pursuing a higher education.
Playing video games does have its share of benefits, but video games can also be bad for you. Students should find a balance between playing video games and studying.
Schoolwork should be done before playing video games. Playing video games have a tendency to make people play for hours on end.
It is much easier to get distracted with video games since all the current technology has it more accessible for everyone.
Playing video games isn’t something you do in your house anymore, anyone can play video games on their smart phones and smart tablets. Even casual gamers can lose precious time with on the go games like Angry Birds and Temple Run.
In our current generation, video games have more to offer than what they did 10 years ago. Nowadays video games are more detailed than they have ever been.
Video games like Portal, Call of Duty, and Halo grab a lot of peoples attention because of their shooting elements. These games have people lose track of time, which leads them to forget about other important things like homework and studying.
If students play too many video games, they will eventually see their grade get progressively worse over time.
There should be a balance of studying and having a time to play video games.
Students should be aware that education is more important than playing video games.
A students daily life should revolve around their school work instead of playing video games.