Smokers have already been put outdoors, pushed away from buildings a specific distance and just about anything else humans do to their pets.
In a world where common sense has been long gone, another group of pretentious people have risen to push back the freedom of college students, so they don’t have to breathe cigarette smoke on a college campus at all.
Also, it is not a fact that besides cigarette pollution, school faculty and college students have nothing better to worry about nowadays.
Although, in the last year Pierce College has banned smoking of any kind on campus, which puts the question out for other community colleges such as Cerritos College.
Should smoking be allowed on campus?
Of course it should.
The restrictions on where smokers can and cannot smoke is enough.
If second-hand smoke is such a problem, then why hasn’t the government banned public smoking all together?
Also, second-hand smoke is not exactly what the average smoker wishes to unload on innocent bystanders.
He or she just wishes to be able to smoke on campus without having to cross Alondra boulevard.
If smoking is banned, what is next?
Not being able to pass gas in public could be, but I think that may be a good idea.