The Teacher TRAC Program offers students pursuing a career in education a blend of academic and student services for exploring many pathways to achieving a teaching career.
The program also offers hands-on experience in the field. Working with mentors, transferring and untimely becoming a teacher.
Students can transfer to any school they wish, but a long-standing partnership has been established with Cal State Long Beach, which has made it possible to attain a bachelor’s credential in teaching within four years.
Different curriculums are offered in the Teacher TRAC Program.
A math & science pathway is offered for middle or high school teaching.
Other courses specializing in vocational education and career technical education areas are also available, including woodworking, welding and automotive.
Director of Teacher TRAC Sue Parsons knew she wanted to teach since the third grade.
“I love to teach. It’s been life changing for me to be in this role. To see students come in, sometimes they have to do some developmental work, basic skills, but they do it.”
Parsons also adds, “From our first two groups, almost all TRAC students have masters degrees.”
Students can sign up for this program at the Teacher TRAC Center.
After applying and meeting certain program requirements, students will be placed in the Teacher TRAC database and will start receiving invitations to different events, workshops and conferences.
Scholarships are also available to students involved in the Teacher TRAC Program.
Students can also apply online at