“Twilight,” by Stephenie Meyer, is the hauntingly romantic story of an ordinary young girl who has fallen in love with a beautiful vampire.
Isabella Swan, or “Bella” for short, is the clumsy new kid in school who has moved in with her father in the gloomy town of Forks, Washington from sunny Phoenix, Arizona.
Bella makes friends quickly but is still captivated by the mysterious Cullen family, a group of inseparable brothers and sisters who like to keep to themselves.
The Cullen’s are a family of vampires who have been taught by their adoptive father how to survive by feeding on animals in order to live peacefully amongst humans.
Edward, the gorgeous vampire with the appearance of a 17-year-old boy, swiftly captures Bella’s heart, and they strive to form a functional relationship despite their undeniable differences.
Edward struggles to keep his animal instincts suppresed so as to not hurt Bella, but can not tolerate being apart from her.
Although “Twilight” is not a challenging read, its intense plot and the suspenseful situations Bella tends to get herself into justify its practicality.
Clichéd as it may be, “Twilight” is still an interesting and charming love story for the modern age reader.
“Twilight” will entice any reader who has a passion for supernatural creatures and will leave its audience with a vampiric craving for more…
To learn more about the “Twilight” series and other of Stephenie Meyer’s works, go to stepheniemeyer.com
A motion picture of “Twilight” will be released on November 21 starring Kristen Stewart as Bella and Robert Pattinson as Edward.
Hopefully the movie will live up to “Twilight” readers’ expectations.