The Masked Villains are plaguing Cerritos College with a disease of nonconformity and chaos through their punk rock music and rebellious attitude.
Bubba Villain, drummer, and Dimy Villain, lead guitar, currently attend Cerritos.
The Masked Villains began in 2004 with only three members and are now clawing their way up to local stardom with two additional members and an increasing loyal group of fans.
The first official E.P. consists of 6 songs and is set to debut Feb. 13.
Talon Marks: What was the inspiration for the name The Masked Villains?
Bubba Villain: We didn’t want to be like a hero band.
Adam Villain: All these people who are supposed to be our heroes, they f***en lie. Yeah, we may supposedly be the “bad guys” or whatever, but we actually do a lot of good things. Like right now we’re looking into doing things for charities, and yet we’re labeled delinquents. So if
they’re going to call us villains then we’re going to act like villains.
TM: How many in total are there in the band?
AV: Gizmo Villain bass, Scum Villain guitar, Dimy Villain lead guitar, Adam Villain lead singer, Bubba Villain drums.
TM: What kind of music do you play?
AV: We play a little bit of everything. We try not to label anything too much.
BV: Mostly we’re just a punk rock band.
TM: Where do you mostly play?
BV: We started off around 2006 playing backyard shows in Wilmington. By 2007 we had a lot of shows in East LA, Compton, South Central, Los Angeles, etc.
AV: Actually, our first show was in Rio Alto. It was a horrible show.
BV: Our second show, also in ’05, was fun and exciting and horrible at the same time. It was like a battle of the bands at the showcase theatre like three months before it closed down.
TM: Do you think that you’ve gotten better since then?
AV: We’ve definitely gotten better. We couldn’t get any worse.
BV: If it wasn’t for the band, Drunken Society, we would seriously be at least a year or two behind of where we are right now. It forced us to play our very first show.
AV: Drunken Society, Oi Gangsters, Worst Enemy, Chaotix, all the Long Beach and Wilmington bands really helped pull us out of the garage.
TM: Are you planning on recording anytime soon?
AV: We actually have our E.P. coming out on Feb. 13. It is our first actual, professional, self-titled E.P. and can be picked up at Headline Records, Dr. Strange Records, Interpunk, or at any of the Masked Villain shows.
BV: All of the songs on the E.P. we made drunk.
AV: We used to have this little playschool recorder thing and we used to record on that.
TM: When are your upcoming shows?
AV: Our nearest show is on Feb. 6 in South Central.
BV: On March 20th we are opening for The Adicts at the Key Club in West Hollywood.
TM: Do you make any money off of it?
BV: Nope…Well on occasion maybe like 50 bucks but we usually spend it on the same night.
AV: Usually they’ll pay us in beer, which I think is really nice, ‘cause they’re cutting out the middle man, ‘cause that saves us the trouble of having to go out and buy beer.
TM: Any final thoughts?
BV: We’re a pretty hard working band. Its been 5 years and we’ve suffered a lot. Got screwed over many times. We’ve gained so much and lost a lot. A lot of hard work has been put into this band. We’ve lost jobs and education over it.
AV: I’ve sacrificed a s**t load because I found my music more important.
BV: But it all works out for the best.
TM: Who are your influences?
• The Business,
• Cock Sparrer,
• Cockney Rejects,
• Major Accident,
• The Adicts,
• Alice Cooper,
• Poison,
• Motley Crue,
• B.B King,
• Ray Charles,
• GG Allin,
• The Temptations,
• The Masked Villains,
• sex,
• more sex and
• beer.