Well, yet again, with the recent #thotaudit, incels are crying into their Hentai/waifu body pillows about how sex workers are charging for camera time, nude photos and other services associated with the online sexwork community.
According to a Rolling Stone article, “The campaign, dubbed the “Thot Audit,” is circulating around misogynist “men’s rights” and incel (involuntary celibate) circles on Twitter and Reddit along with a lot of anti-women, anti-sex worker rhetoric.”
Incels on Twitter have demanded that online sex workers must pay taxes based on the money they received charging for their work or be audited by the IRS.
Here’s the thing, these lonely self-loathing bastards are under the clearly-delusional assumption that they shouldn’t have to pay to see a woman’s body because they feel, as men, they are entitled to see it for free.
Yeah, incels, you are definitely going to see titties for free with that pathetic women-hating mentality of yours.
You’d rather bury your face in the bosom of Reddit, Twitter and other social media platforms, than toss aside those “ideals” of toxic masculinity.
This outcry against sex workers only adds fuel to the already growing fire that is slut shaming.
These men feel the need to alienate and demonize women for simply expressing their sexuality and charging for the consumable products that are nude photos, on-camera sexual situations and so-on, of the ever-growing porn industry.
Now incels claim that being a sex worker is not a legitimate occupation, saying that workers are simply lying on their backs all day.
However, once incels realize the lack of personal interaction involved and how much people are willing to pay in this field of the porn industry, they won’t find it above themselves to present their half-nude bodies in front of a webcam and say, “You want me to spank myself harder, daddy?”
Anyone confident enough to flash a hoohah on a web camera to forever be found on the Internet, should be allowed to do so legally without having to be harassed or hassled by ass-hats brainwashed by the false notion of male entitlement.
So incels, let these women and men, yes, men, make their money and celebrate their sexuality in peace, because with your mentality the closest thing you are going to get to sex is porn.
Might as well support the industry that you are going to be shelling out the most cash to, right, incels?
Let’s cut the #thotaudit bullshit, incels, and pay to view porn like the majority of the human population.
Rod • Jan 31, 2019 at 3:50 pm
Maybe they are declaring their income but I’d say many are not and the IRS or equivalent can do a quick check to see what, if any, returns are being made. And if the thots have nothing to hide them surely they’ve nothing to fear!
Andres de Fonollosa • Jan 2, 2019 at 8:40 pm
Paying for porn in 2018…LOL
anyways, I have nothing against sex work, in fact I may have partaken once or twice when in Vegas during my bachelor years. I do not hate women and I am most definitely not an incel. Having said that, if you’re making six figures on twitch or by selling nudes on snapchat, I sure as hell expect you to pay your taxes just like everybody else.
I’m willing to overlook the fact that running a small business is infinitely more difficult than twerking on twitch wearing yoga pants or selling selfies of your vagina on snapchat. If someone is willing to pay you for that , so be it. But at least pay your ****ing taxes. this is not a foreign concept.
Jack Flavell • Dec 1, 2018 at 6:02 am
its not that thots are charging for porn and incels want it for free. thots just arent paying taxes and they should. why shouldnt they?
Alison Hernandez • Dec 1, 2018 at 8:14 pm
Okay but I’m genuinely curious, how are you so sure that these women aren’t paying their taxes? Are you their tax preparer? Do you have access to their taxes? How do you know that people aren’t unfairly reporting women who have been doing their taxes? What right do these men have to report these women over things they don’t know anything about?