“Date and Switch” provides audiences with a important message that everyone should hear. That “Love’s all about the right combination” as a poster for the movie reads.The message behind the movie may just be the best part about it. “Date and Switch” is a decent movie, but the concept behind it is a great one.The movie tells the story of Michael, played by Nicholas Braun, who finds out that his best friend Matty, played by Hunter Cope, is gay.Not only does Michael find out that his friend is gay but this just after they make a pact to lose their virginity before prom.It makes one wonder how often a situation like this occurs for people, and how do they deal with it?Micheal goes back and forth between being okay with Matty’s sexuality and being completely freaked out.What doesn’t help Micheal’s situation is that Matty had a girlfriend, this makes it hard for Micheal to come to terms with Matty’s sexuality.Matty’s ex-girlfriend is played by Dakota Johnson, who is also to be in the movie adaptation of “Fifty Shades of Grey.”Johnson played an important role in the movie by not only being Matty’s girlfriend but being there for him when he comes out and also falling for Michael at the same time.Without her the movie would not be good, at all, her character Em is very honest and upfront and a perfect fit between Michael and Matty.The friendship between Michael and Matty is established right away as a very close one so you really feel for both of these characters.There over rare occasions throughout the movie where it gets good, but there are other times when it’s really dry. It’s an up and down movie.“Date and Switch” lacked showing more of the relationship building between Matty and his love interest Greg.The movie had its moments, when Matty and Greg went to a wrestling match and Matty realized that gay guys can be manly too, opposite of the stereotype that they are usually “girly”.This is still an important part to show, but throughout the whole movie it feels a bit off balance.This concept should be explored by other writers, directors, and actors.Maybe one day a movie will come out that explores different ways of loving, but shows that love is love no matter who it’s between.Movies like this are important in today’s society because sometimes people are to obsessed or worried about other people’s relationships that it takes a toll on their own lives.Movies can be made to show people that it’s okay to be different and even by being labeled as different you really are just the same as everyone.