Nintendo Directs are presentations presented by Nintendo. In these presentations, they announce new games and give updates to current ones that came out already. Photo credit: Nintendo
The latest Nintendo Direct has finally come out after 530 days without one due to the pandemic. All of the announcements won’t be covered here, but we will be highlighting some big announcements that came out of it.
The first big announcement was that Pyra and Mythra from “Xenoblade Chronicles 2” will be coming to “Super Smash Bros Ultimate” as the ninth DLC character.
The character won’t be released until March but more info about them will be shown soon.
Next up, the popular game “Fall Guys” that released on PC and PlayStation 4 will be coming to the Nintendo Switch in summer of this year.
The game became a massive hit last year and it’s very great to have it come to more players who don’t have a PC or PS4/5.
Two classic games from the Famicom are coming to the Switch, fully remade from the ground up. “Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir” and “The Girl Who Stands Behind” are murder-mystery games where the player can interrogate people and solve puzzles to solve the mystery. Both games are releasing on May 14 with pre-orders being available now.
“Monster Hunter Rise” gets a brand new trailer showing off some old and new Monsters that would be creating havoc in this game. They also finally revealed what the Rampage mode is, with it being a gauntlet of Monsters attacking all at once.
“Mario Golf” hasn’t had a game since 2003 and after 18 years without a title, the series returns on Nintendo Switch as “Mario Golf Super Rush”.
The game plays like regular golf but includes some new elements to give it that Mario touch. One example is that like “Wii Sports”, the player can use motion controls to swing the club.
One new mode is called Speed Golf, where everyone can swing their golf club at the same time and run through the terrain to get the lowest number of hits to win.
Story mode lets the player control a Mii trying to reach the top. This mode has some RPG elements that are similar to the Gameboy Color games.
Players can swing into action when the game comes out on June 25.
Next up is “Animal Crossing New Horizons,” and Nintendo finally shows off the Mario 35th Anniversary items coming to the game. These sets of items are all creative and colorful that would be a perfect addition to anyone’s island.
The update will come on on Feb. 25 for everyone, and best of all is no extra charge. It’s all free.
A new game developed by Square Enix was shown next, “Project Triangle Strategy,” which lets the player control the story. Their decisions decide what path the characters of the game will walk.
The game is a tactical RPG, and plays similarly to “Final Fantasy Tactics” and “Fire Emblem” where characters are on a map and each one can either move in several directions or attack an enemy.
Players can decide on which decision is necessary for them to take with Utility, Moralityor and Liberty being the three choices the player has. There’s bound to be a lot of replayability.
Square Enix has released a demo for everyone to try out and at a later date a survey to give the developers feedback on what to keep and what to change. The game will release in 2022.
“Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity” is a game that we have already reviewed last year, and will be getting an expansion pass that will add new characters and weapons to the world.
Zelda producer Eiji Anouma came on stream to inform fans that the sequel to “Breath of the Wild” will be shown later in the year, and apologized for the disappointment.
However, the Zelda team surprised fans and unveiled an HD remaster of “The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword”.
This game has brand new controls where players can use buttons instead of motion controls (motion controls are still present in the game).
This classic Wii game will be releasing on July 16 as well as a beautifully designed pair of Joy-Cons that are styled after this game.
The final game that’s presented was “Splatoon 3.” This 3rd person shooter takes the player in a world of chaos where everywhere is a wasteland. The game includes brand new weapons and sub-weapons like a bow and arrow and a robotic crab.
The game is set to release in 2022 with more information planned for this year as well.
These are some of the biggest announcements that Nintendo showed to its fans, with promises that more news on upcoming and unannounced games will be shown at a later date.