The newest “The Mandalorian” episode, with “Ant-Man” director Peyton Reed taking the helm, opens up with Din returning back to Mos Eisley with the child, Bobas armor, and a chunk of meat when suddenly he’s attacked by a group of bounty hunters hoping to take the child.
He meets up with Peli Motto again who tells him of a person who has information regarding the whereabouts of other Mandalorians, the catch being he has to take his wife, a frog lady, and her eggs on board with him to Trask at sub-light-speeds to protect the eggs.

Din accepts the offer and travels to Trask with the passenger and her eggs. While traveling they’re confronted by New Republic X-Wings who recognized the Razor Crest as the same ship who attacked a prison ship months ago. They head to an icy planet to escape the X-wing pilots only to be stranded underneath the ice.
They come face to face with a multitude of spiders and almost don’t make it until they are saved by the same X-wing pilots.
With very substantial damage to the Razor Crest, they slowly continued their journey to Trask.
This episode seems to be smaller in scale than the season premiere. But we see our protagonist closer to their goal to shows how much he’s growing as a character, doing his best to take care of the child but also making sure that the frog-lady gets home to her husband safe.
This episode was a mix of comedy and horror. The comedy is rooted in the adorable and entertaining child, helping to frame the child as a liability rather than a Deus ex machina like they seemed most of the first season.
The terrifying vibes of the alien spiders bring some horror to the episode, even including a small nod to the “Alien” franchise. This entire episode has a bunch of bugs in it with a giant ant alien playing cards in the beginning, which might be a nod to Peyton Reed who directed both “Ant-Man” films.
Again, this is a smaller scale episode with not a lot happening in terms of big plot advancement but the character development and story arc of this season is yet to be seen.
In all seriousness, Chapter 10 is a pretty good episode while not being that impactful to the ongoing plot. It does lead in the right direction, setting us up for Chapter 11.
Talon Marks gives “The Mandalorian” Chapter 10: “The Passenger” a ★★★★☆, being a solid episode that gives audiences both laughs and horror. We cannot wait to see how this season progresses.