(L-R) Cara Dune (Gina Carano), The Mandalorian (Pedro Pascal), Mythrol (Horatio Sanz) and Greef Karga (Carl Weathers) in Lucasfilm’s THE MANDALORIAN, season 2, exclusively on Disney+. © 2020 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™. All Rights Reserved. Photo credit: Walt Disney Company & Lucasfilm Ltd. Photo credit: Walt Disney Company & Lucasfilm Ltd.
With the series taking one step closer to reaching the end, this episode is directed by Carl Weathers himself.
Weathers directing this episode caught people by surprise. Many didn’t expect him to take such a major role and worried that he might not do a good job. But in the end, it turned out alright.
This episode kicks off with both Mando and The Child working together to fix the ship but they fail to repair the vessel. With the damages done to it, their only option is to head back to Nevarro for repairs.
The plot for this episode is kind of a filler one but it does impact the rest of the season while making sure to show Moff Gideon behind the scenes, waiting for his time to strike.

Mando and the Child meet up with Greef Karga and Cara Dune who are now in charge of the town with Karga, acting as the town’s magistrate and marshal, respectively. The Child is left in a school while Mando is told that there is an “abandoned” Imperial facility containing weapons that would fetch a price on the black market. The duo ask Mando to join them to destroying the facility making the planet 100% safe for trading.
They get to the base and successfully trigger the self-destruction sequence. Before managing to leave, they come across a lab with a bunch of failed test subjects. They discern that not only is Moff Gideon alive but has been using the Child’s blood, which is filled with midiclorians, force sensitive clones.
The trio escape, with Mando leaving in his jetpack to get the kid while the others take a Stormtrooper transport being chased by Scout Troopers in speeder bikes and Tie fighters.
The fight ends with Mando taking down the last ships, ensuring the Child’s safety. The duo sets off to Corvus.
Unknown to Mando, one of the repair engineers puts a tracking device on his ship, with Moff Gideon following him to the planet to get his revenge and also to retrieve the Child.

This episode allows viewers to see the impact of the end of season one, as the defeat of the Empire in Nevarro made the planet-city a great and peaceful place to be in.
The set pieces and environments are great to see, with the town looking livelier and with the Empire base looking dark and menacing, showing how the Empire, despite losing the war, are still planning their eventual return.
The comedy in this episode is really good, with the Child getting a few of the best scenes, showing his mischievous nature.
The action was really fun to watch, with some parts feeling like they could be a theme park ride in Disneyland.
This episode sets up the future story very well by revealing Gideon’s plans and demonstrating the inevitable showdown with Mando over the search for lost Jedi.
Chapter 12 is a great change of pace, not only giving us returning characters again but fully expanding on what the villain’s true plans are with the Child and getting us one step closer to another legacy character.
This episode gets a ★★★★☆ being a great action-packed episode and a superb introduction to Carl Weathers’ directing skills in the series.