written by Keanu
Keanu: Good morning Falcons and welcome to off the field. I’m your host, Keanu.
Derrick: I’m Derek, and today we’ll be recapping the Super Bowl from last Sunday.
Keanu: That was a pretty intense game.
Derrick: Yeah, it was.
Keanu: You know, I thought the 49ers were gonna pull off with the win. But no Kansas City did exactly what they did the last couple weeks or last two playoff games. You know, they’re down
by a lot, Come back and win in the fourth quarter. You know, that’s what it’s all about. You know, it’s all about how you can finish in the fourth quarter and execute.
Derrick: I think that’s that’s there but the head coach is probably going to change something to where that doesn’t happen anymore.
Keanu: Yeah, yeah. I think so too. But I’m
in that fourth quarter, the 49ers made a lot of defensive mistakes, and one that stood out to me was that was that long bomb to Sammy Watkins, you know when he burnt Richard Sherman Derrick: Yeah, that was the longest play of the game.
Keanu: Yeah,yeah. And then actually uh i think the longest play of the game was uh the Chiefs running back Damian Williams when he scored that last last touchdown
Derrick: when he threw it?
Keanu: no when he ran it?
Derrick: oh when he ran it?
Keanu: the last touchdown of the game i think i think that might have been the longest one because it was almost like a 50 yarder and that was that was obviously the nail in the coffin right there. But overall, it was a pretty good game.
Derrick: yeah it was
Keanu: You know, there was it was neck and neck halftime was pretty good. Sadly, I didn’t win no money from any of the Super Bowl pools. But my actually my boss did he won 700
Derrick: Whoo.
Keanu: Yeah, so I was jealous of that
Derrick: so according to ESPN, the Chiefs are 6-1 to win it again.
Keanu: Really?
Derrick: Yeah.
Keanu: I won’t be surprised. I mean, they do have a really good offense. You know, they’re those weapons that they have.
Derrick: They basically have a good system.
Keanu: Oh, yeah, yeah. coaches, everything. Their defense I think they needed they need to get a decent linebacker you know because you know their there,their front D line they’re stacked right there those are some pretty good pass rushers well I think they need another decent linebacker
Derrick: how about a corner?
Keanu: Yeah, they could they need one too. Safeties, I think they’re fine. They have tyrann Mathieu, Kendall Fuller, who actually got the last pic to seal the deal.
Derrick: they need to lock those people down
Keanu: Oh, yeah,
Derrick: yeah,
Keanu: yeah.
Derrick: So from from what they said is that mahome’s is supposed to have an MRI sometime this week.
Keanu: oh Okay
Derrick: to check out his shoulder
Keanu: yeah cuz I know it’s always always hurt
Derrick: right so they said however that goes that’s how his contract is gonna be structured Keanu: oh.. Okay. well hopefully his surgery is successful
Derrick: he had surgery? The MRI
Keanu: yeah MRI my bad but yeah I think the Chiefs the Chiefs will definitely be top contenders for the Super Bowl next year. I think the Patriots will be back. Hopefully, my team the Chargers can be up there with them. I’ll have to see them hopefully punch their ticket into the Super Bowl But we’ll see. What you think of the 49ers performance?
Derrick: they couldn’t handle the the.. Remember I said last week it was gonna be on offense and defensive game?
Keanu: Yeah.
Derrick: Which it was
Keanu: Yeah.
Derrick: The chief offense. They just look for mistakes. That’s all it was.
Keanu: Yeah,
Derrick: they shut down Sherman. He got burned What? A lot of times.
Keanu: Yeah. from, from what I remember it was it was like two or three,
Derrick: two or three in the second half, in the first half he was straight but in the second
Keanu: Oh, yeah.
Derrick: He got shut down.
Keanu: Yeah, especially that that deep ball.
Derrick: Yeah
Keanu: that got him but I was watching the video, it was a DB lab. And what the person said in the video, like the shit, the mistakes that Sherman made is that he stepped too much outside. And then he reached and that’s what
Derrick: oh.. okay,
Keanu: that’s what that’s how Sammy Watkins got him.
Derrick: wow
Keanu: but yeah they’re all the 49ers offense was rolling, you know in the first half and then you know in the third quarter and then the Chiefs defense came alive. And they just shut them out.
Derrick: I forgot what player from the Chiefs but in high school, He used to work out at that stadium.
Keanu: Oh, yeah, he used to work out there. I do remember seeing him
Derrick: he use to work there, and now he won a Super Bowl there.
Keanu: Yeah,
Derrick: that’s crazy.
Keanu: Yeah. Isn’t that something
Derrick: yeah. So what’s your take on the halftime show?
Keanu: I was I was expecting something like that, you know?
Derrick: Yeah
Because you know, it’s JLo Shakira, you know, they’re two women that love their culture, and aren’t afraid to express it. I think it was one of the best halftime shows I’ve seen in a while. You know. Everybody liked it. I mean, I know a lot of people, they didn’t really like it.
Derrick: Yeah, I’m like those those people, just some haters.
Keanu: Yeah, I mean, you know, they say it’s a family like game. But when you go to a football game, there’s people that are drunk. There’s the cheerleaders wearing the little tight outfits and stuff. So I mean, like, you kind of already expecting that. You know what I’m saying. So, I don’t know
Derrick: what you think about the Kobe Tribute? At the beginning?
Keanu: oh Yeah, I was I was expecting that I was expecting something like that
Derrick: everybody was lined up at the 24 yard line.
Keanu: Yeah
Derrick: Yeah
Keanu: But what I wasn’t expecting is that the stadium it was it was kind of small.
Derrick: I know.
Keanu: I didn’t think hard rock stadium was that small, you know, it was like it was a little bit bigger looks like a little bit bigger than stub hub to be honest with you.
Derrick: I think that’s why they did, they did the fireworks on the outside.
Keanu: Yeah
Derrick: that was tight.
Keanu: Yeah, I like that, the pregame pregame show, everything.
Derrick: Did you see the purple and gold cross? When Jennifer Lopez came out?
Keanu: nah..
Derrick: there was purple and gold color like in the background.
Keanu: Really?
Derrick: yeah
Keanu: aw that’s pretty cool. And apparently her daughter was singing choir. yeah
Derrick: yeah, no, it was a little girl that walked up to her.
Keanu: Yeah, yeah,
Derrick: I was like, Whoa
Keanu: yeah
Derrick: and She’s only 11
Keanu: did you uh, did you catch when they did the coin toss? You know how the chiefs, No the 49ers deferred it? And they asked the Chiefs if they want the ball or to kick it?
Derrick: oh yeah, yeah.
Keanu: I mean if the 49ers already deferred it then that obviously means that the chiefs are going to receive it. So I don’t know what’s up with these refs trying to like confuse the teams and everything that happened. That happened last year in the playoffs. I forgot who, who it was.
Derrick: It happened in the regular season with Tom Brady.
Keanu: Did it?
Derrick: Yeah.
Keanu: Yeah, I remember I do remember something about that. Yeah.
Derrick: I think they were going to halftime or something, no.
Keanu: Yeah, yeah, I do remember a game I just can’t remember which one. But yeah I think the refs need to do a better job with that. Yeah.
Derrick: So let’s, let’s let’s see. So who do you think is going where?
Keanu: Like players? Player wise?
Derrick: yeah
Keanu: I’m not sure honestly, I have to look to look on ESPN and see like what’s the what are the chiefs going to do? Because I know, after a team wins a Super Bowl, not everybody stays Derrick: right,
Keanu: you know, they want to go to other teams and stuff. But I think if the Chiefs want to be in that same position position that they’ve been in this whole season, I think they need to keep everybody, you know, keep all the players, all the key players.
Derrick: Right.
Keanu: And-
Derrick: I think I think there was also there was a controversy about one of the Chiefs coaches, that the black coach, I forgot his name, but that they said, teams sort of made him the head coach. But nobody picked him up and he ended up winning a Super Bowl.
Keanu: I don’t know I don’t know the Coach on there
Derrick: I mean, there’s there’s out of all the coaches that have been hired already, there’s not one black coach that was hired.
Keanu: Really?
Derrick: yeah
Keanu: I did see something that uh.. this year, That Lamar Jackson, Patrick Mahomes and Kyler Murray, all black men and they won, One of them won MVP.
Derrick: Yup
Keanu: Kyler won offensive Rookie of the Year and then patrick mahomes won Super Bowl MVP
Derrick: and the Super Bowl
Keanu: Yeah.
Derrick: The youngest.
Keanu: Yeah. That’s that’s pretty, That’s pretty amazing to see. And that was the first time in history.
Derrick: Yes
Keanu: first time in history that’s happened. So that’s pretty, that’s pretty, really exciting to see. Derrick: Even even the announcer Joe buck, You know what’s crazy about that? His dad
announced the Super Bowl. He was announcer for the Super Bowl when they won it 50 years ago.
Keanu: No way?
Derrick: Yeah.
Keanu: And that’s another thing it was 50 years ago since the chiefs won the Super Bowl, that is insane. Again, I’m happy for them. I was going for them.
Derrick: I mean, that’s, I mean, look at Andy Reid, something he couldn’t do with the Eagles.
Keanu: Yeah,
Derrick: he did it with Kansas City
Keanu: Yeah. And they, you know, they always came up close, or somehow they would fall apart in like the first or second round. You know what I’m saying they almost came last year came close last year.
Derrick: Yeah they did
Keanu: but you know Tom Brady being Tom Brady
Derrick: True. How’d you like his commercial?
Keanu: You know, I didn’t really watch a lot of commercials. So I don’t know which one
you’re referring to. But one commercial that stood out to me was it was the women’s commercial. It was it was a girl kicker and a girl holder.
Derrick: oh.. Okay yeah
Keanu: you know, they kick the game winning field goal, you know, everybody’s going crazy and then they take off their helmets, and it’s two girls. And then I forgot what the what it said on there. I was like, Wow, that’s a pretty that’s pretty powerful-
Derrick: pretty decent
Keanu: commercial, I like that. But uh, what are your final thoughts on on the game?
Derrick: It was the best game I’ve seen in a long time. Especially New England not being in it. Keanu: Haha yeah, yeah, everybody was saying that everybody was saying that. You know, I liked the game I I enjoyed watching
Derrick: me too
Keanu: it was it was pretty, pretty good. I think it’s definitely a lot better than last last year’s Super Bowl. But I think the super bowl that I really enjoyed watching
was the Patriots and Falcons Super Bowl.
Derrick: Okay, yeah, yeah.
Keanu: And the Patriots and Seahawks Super Bowl.
Derrick: Yeah.
Keanu: I think those two are my probably my favorite ones to watch.
Derrick: I think one of my favorite ones was when Seattle won.
Keanu: Oh, yeah when they blew out Denver?
Derrick: yeah,
Keanu: yeah. Yeah, that was that was crazy. Alright Falcons. That’s it for today’s podcast. I’m your host, Keanu.
Derrick: I’m Derek
Keanu: and we’ll see y’all next week.
Super Bowl recap
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About the Contributors

Keanu Ruffo, Sports Editor
Keanu Ruffo is a Journalism major and is the returning Sports Editor for Talon Marks news division here at Cerritos College. Keanu plans to transfer to Cal State Long Beach once’s he’s received his AA degree. His career goal is to work for the NFL Network or ESPN.

Derrick Coleman, Co-Multimedia Editor
Derrick Coleman is the Co-Multimedia Editor at Talon Marks. He was born in San Jose, Costa Rica, where he lived for 15 years before coming to the United States. His goal is to start his own photography business.
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