Club leaders and representatives met up for the monthly Interclub Council meeting to address the upcoming issue of student representation as well as upcoming events in the second half of the spring semester.
With the end of the academic year gettinng closer and the prescence of finishing all of the academic courses with good grades for cerifications, transfer, and commencement; clubs are struggling more with appointing representatives roles for the valued information they can only recieve at the ICC.
Robert Campbell, an Associated Students of Cerritos College senator, proposed the notion of having ICC representatives represent up to three clubs during the meetings.
“Clubs struggle with finances and have time restraints,” Campbell said. “But a lot of clubs need the info at ICC.”
Currently, students can only represent one club at each ICC meeting, regardless of how active they are on campus life. According to the Interclub Council bylaws, clubs will have punishment if they lack of student representation at each ICC meeting.

Campbell stated that accomendations should be made for students who are juggling between classes and other obligations such as work and family matters.
“We want to focus on the future of ICC,” he said. “Let’s not hang onto the past. We need to encourage to change.”
Kadie Gurley, director of ICC, also expressed the notion of encouraging students to get involved with campus life.
“It’s all about student initiative,” Gurley said. “We want to encourage more students to attend rather than just one (individual) covering the representative role for more than one club.
“It’s really informative and it’s focusing on areas that is misrepresented by individuals.”
Gurley also stated that having the limited three clubs per representative is realistic and practical for a change in the bylaws, she doesn’t want students to concieve the idea that it would limit their campus life.
“We want to bring awareness to the students,” she added. “We’re here for them.”
Amna Jara, student activities director, expressed that although not everyone can or would make an appearance to ICC, having all clubs present is still a goal they would like to achieve.
“We usually have low turnouts at the meetings,” Jara said. “Approximentally half of the cubs on campus have an ICC rep in the meetings.”
Jara stated that during her years at Cerritos College, she has not done disciplinary actions to the clubs, understanding the conflicts students as they attempt to juggle their academic, extracurricular, leadership and personal obligations both on and off campus.
“If that’s (the proposal) what students do that’s fine,” she said. “I’m all for it. As long as participating is involved and that they are getting what they need. This is a decision ICC needs to make.”
The proposal for having three clubs per representative will be on the floor on the next ICC meeting, April 26, where it needs a two-thirds approval vote before it will go into senate.