The City of Artesia met for a regularly scheduled meeting on Sept. 13 at 7:00 pm.
The council approved awarding a contract between the city and Marina Landscape, Inc. in the amount of $309,367.55 for Phase 3 of the “Historical District Recreational Trails Landscaping Project.”
The project consists of adding shrubs, plants, rocks and fences within the recently built city walking path.
The council approved awarding a contract between the city and South Coast Painting for the repainting and façade improvements of the Artesia Towne Center in the amount of $42,500.
The Artesia Towne Center was purchased by the city in August of 2016. These improvements would be the first done to the façade since the construction of the center in 1986.
The council voted to approve a resolution expressing a vote of no confidence in Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón.
Gascón has made it clear that it will be easy on crime and as the number of crimes is going up in Artesia and statewide, the council felt it necessary to give their recommendation. The vote was approved 3-0 with 2 council members, Ramos and Taj, abstaining.
The council voted to approve sending a letter to Governor Gavin Newsom in regard to Senate Bill 9. The city voted 5-0 to send a letter stating the city’s disagreement with SB( and urging the governor to veto the bill.
Senate Bill 9 would allow local zoning laws to be preempted and allow up to eight units on what is currently a single-family lot.
The council was given a presentation by Sergeant Majalia Gonzalez of the Lakewood Sheriff’s Department.
Most crime in the city has been decreasing, but the city has seen an increase in grand theft auto and aggravated assault crimes.
The increase is not limited to Artesia, with an increase occurring statewide. The sergeant was asked why that might be and she said that she believed it was due to the lockdowns and COVID-19.
The council asked how residents can protect their automobiles from theft and the sergeant said that residents should lock their vehicles, use a club lock and parking vehicles in garages.
The council received and filed the 2021 citywide drainage deficiency study to identify weak points in the city’s drainage systems.
The council approved the 2021 pavement management plan. The plan highlights many hazardous and degraded areas of pavement throughout the city. The vote was approved 5-0.

The council proclaimed that September would be known as National Preparedness Month. “Artesia proclaims September 2021 as National Preparedness Month and urges all residents to join the ‘prepare to protect’ effort and participate in disaster preparedness activities,” said Mayor Rene Trevino.
The city has multiple ways of getting emergency notifications.
The city has a Nixle page and also has all notifications up on the city website as well as Facebook and Instagram.
The council passed a resolution thanking Glenn Newbrander II for his 33 years of service in the maintenance department. Newbrander II was known as a “jack of all trades” and was tasked with taking care of the maintenance of all vehicles.
Newbrander II was also credited with installing the color-changing lights that can be found on the city’s water tower.
The meeting was adjourned, in memory of Patricia Castaneda, at 11:05 pm.
The next city council meeting is set for Oct. 11.