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Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Category: Health YOU@College Wellness Platform Pilot: Student Feedback Needed & Raffle

YOU@College Wellness Platform Pilot: Student Feedback Needed & Raffle

April 1, 2024 April 3, 2024

Student Health Services is piloting a new Student Wellbeing Platform, YOU@College. We welcome you to try it out for 2 weeks and provide us feedback via a survey! We will send out the feedback survey at the end of the 2 weeks.

What is YOU for Students? YOU increases visibility to tools related to professional development, and mental health, personalized to their needs. YOU’s holistic well-being model equips campuses with the necessary tools to quell increased feelings of burnout and cultivate healthy on- and off-campus lifestyles. Through a unique, student-facing window, YOU provides access to 2,500+ resources to help faculty members adequately support customized campus student needs.

How do I sign-up to pilot? We need 100 students to pilot. Please sign up here so we can track volunteers and send follow-up surveys via email. Last date to sign-up is 4/3/24. Please note: the date/times in Signup Genius is arbitrary and simply a way for us to track volunteers. You must sign up to be entered in the $30 Amazon & Target gift card raffles.

How do I sign into the platform? Visit the URL  and log in with your SSO campus credentials. For those of you who have both an active student ID and active accounts, please use your STUDENT credentials to sign up! For assistance, please email

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YOU@College Wellness Platform Pilot: Student Feedback Needed & Raffle