Gustavo Olguin and his new co-host, Larissa Morales, talk about Valentine’s Day, love and money in their first installment of Spring 2014 Talon Talks.
Olguin: Hello everyone. It’s the first episode of Talon Talks. First one of the semester and as you can see, I have a new co-host. Go ahead and introduce yourself.
Morales: I’m Larissa Morales.
Olguin: Rest in peace Lauren. See is no longer with Talon Marks, but she is still alive so no need to pout too much and today our topic is Valentine’s Day. What does Valentine’s Day mean to you guys?
Morales: Valentine’s Day means I get a box of chocolates and he gets nothing.
Olguin: Ouch. So the gift is expected then?
Morales: Yes a gift is expected.
Olguin: How much do you think the gift has to be officially a Valentine’s Day gift?
Morales: I don’t think that there’s an amount. I just think that I need to be recognized.
Olguin: What do you need to be recognized? Just the chocolates?
Morales: Yeah chocolates are good. Flowers are good too.
Olguin: Well the Epoch Times, gladly disagrees with you. They say that men spend about $175 on Valentine’s Day alone. Women come in at $88, which I feel is really hurtful to the guys. Girls need to spend more money on us.
Morales: No we don’t. No we don’t.
Olguin: But Valentine’s Day, I feel like it’s more than just a couples thing. It’s showing love to your family, to your friends around you, and it’s also a chance for guys to go out and find that Valentine Day date. So there is hope fore the single guys out there.
Morales: Why not have a friends date?
Olguin: Can you do that?
Morales: Why not?
Olguin: In my research right here, it doesn’t say that friends can hangout on Valentine’s Day.
Morales: It doesn’t have to be research to hangout with your friends right?
Olguin: So how would someone go about this? Just hey, you want to meet up on Valentine’s Day. No homo.
Morales: Pretty much yeah. Hashtag no homo.
Olguin: Hashtag no homo.
Olguin: I know Valentine’s Day gifts are important, but 85 percent of people, according to CNN, sex is important on Valentine’s Day. You need to show the love on the day of love.
Morales: Makes sense. I don’t see why not.
Olguin: So, you don’t need any flowers? You’re not the roses kind of girl?
Morales: No. Flowers die. Why would you give me something that dies?
Olguin: You eat chocolates. They “die”.
Morales: They do not die. Flowers do.
Olguin: Chocolates end up in the toilet.
Olguin: The only thing I feel sad about is, also according to CNN, pet owners spend about $4.52 on their animals and there are a lot of cat ladies out there that I feel need to spend more money on their pets. To some people their pets are their life and $5 is not going to cut it, when people are spending 80 bucks on people.
Morales: So you are a pet person?
Olguin: I love my dog, but I probably won’t even spend 5 bucks on her. So this year I need to make sure that I spend more than 5 dollars. Coco, if you are watching this, I love you. I’m probably going to be her a new toy. Maybe a brand new bag of food.
Olguin: Another thing that Valentine’s Day has brought us is penicillin. It cures syphilis and I don’t think that’s around anymore, but it probably is around…
Morales: It’s still around. Maybe not around you, but it’s still around.
Olguin: What do you have planned for Valentine’s Day then?
Morales: Sitting in front of my TV, watching a movie. What about you?
Olguin: Wait, by yourself?
Morales: Yeah.
Olguin: Why?
Morales: My husband is deployed.
Olguin: Oh yeah. I’m sorry for all the Valentine’s Day veterans that cannot be part of their couple, but you should watch a movie on Netflix. You could have the movie and then you should have him on a computer and you guys could watch the same movie. It could work.
Morales: It’s a date.
Olguin: For me, it’s just going to be a normal day. I might our camera man Grester what he is doing tomorrow. No I’m just kidding Grester, we’re not hanging out.
Morales: Hey, that could be your couples date. Your friends date.
Olguin: This just got really weird between me and the cameraman.
Olguin: Valentine’s Day, I feel that it is over rated, but at the same time it’s a good way to show people you care about them. And if you don’t want to be romantic with someone, get them yellow roses. It symbolizes friendship. It’s am easy way to friend-zone someone.
Morales: I learned that white roses mean I’m worthy of you. I think that’s more romantic.
Olguin: Damn, that is really romantic.
Olguin: Get white roses if you are really trying to impress the lady and then tell her what it means. Because if you just get her white roses, she might be kinda upset.
Morales: It means, I’m worth of you.
Olguin: You heard it here first folks.
Olguin: That was Valentine’s Day in a nutshell. It is great for love and it’s also a day where you should love yourself. If you don’t have a couple, make sure that you have a good day. Well thank you for stopping by with Talon Talks. I’m Gustavo Olguin.
Morales: I’m Larissa Morales.
Olguin: And thank you for stopping by the nest.