Spring 2015
Dear person looking at this bio, stop. Just stop.
Ha! I kid. HI I’M SAM…and I do not like green eggs and ham.
But I do like froyo. I’m a journalism major and for anyone that doesn’t know what I intend to do with it, let me tell you…neither do I. It’s just a passion I have and I enjoy everything within it. This is my second semester on the paper. This semester i’m the multimedia editor so I hope to do some exciting new things with that! Enough about school, more about myself. When i’m not at school, I’m working at one of my two jobs. In my free time, you can catch me roaming around the city or in front of a computer. My three addictions are social media, television and unfrosted PopTarts. I love to tweet nonsensicals and like pictures of different animals on Instagram. I love meeting new people even though many would say, “if awkward had a child, it would no doubt be her.” One of my goals in life is to have Obama (or Beyonce) follow me back on Twitter. With all that being said, I can’t wait to see what’s in store for this semester. Let’s get weird, Talon Marks! BYEEEE.
Fall 2014
Hello and Good Morrow! To those of you reading this, you are most likely in the same journalism class as I, if you are not, that also works. I am Daniel Linares, a.k.a. Pterodactyl Dann, a.k.a. your Multimedia Editor for Fall 2014!
I’m 25% accounting major, 30% multimedia guy, 42% numbers guy, 73% student, and 99% pirate. I’m also an accounting major.