Cerritos College’s annual Mock Rally, held in the Studentt Center this past Thursday, was no drag.
The Mock Rally is a way of poking fun of the Homecoming candidates. Male students were asked to dress up in drag posing as the candidate in an attempt to win over faculty judges.
The master of ceremonies, former Cerritos College student Ray, hosted the rally Mar.
Mar was a part of WPMD radio station and has been doing events for Student Activities at Cerritos since 1977, so helping out with the rally was not a problem.
With a packed house the rally began with the master of ceremonies introducing the candidates. Shortly after the “mocks” were introduced one by one, strutting down the runway.
Screams and chants from the audience and sponsors filled the center as each “mock” candidate represented its Homecoming queen hopefuls with splits, lap dances, and high kicks.
Later each “mock” was asked a question. The crowd went wild when student [mock] David Shane for Megan Powers, gave a tremendous dance performance by his group “Team Extreme,” were he and two other mocks self choreographed the dance routine that reminded you of ‘The Supremes.’
After many questions and answers, the mocks took one last walk down the runway to the song of “Dude looks like a Lady,” and Mya’s “Like Whoa.”
But many would agree that student Jessie Sarell, for candidate No. 7 Maria Ayup, stole the show. Being represented by Cosmetology, Sarell was by far the prettiest out of all the mocks.
Later, after a short deliberation, the judges tallied the votes of the 2003 Mock Homecoming Queen. With little surprise, No. 7 Sarell was the winner. “The lady was deserving. I think her looks pulled her over though,” responded Mar when asked about the outcome for the rally.