Amber Aguillard
The Cerritos College Child Development Center put on its first electric cart wash on Saturday morning to raise money for the center.
It took small donations and sold cookies for 50 cents and lemonade for 25 cents a cup.
One of the first customers was Jenine Nolan, dean of health occupations, who also came up with the cart wash idea.
“Kids are learning about the community and that they are a part of the community. They see those carts daily on campus and now they feel apart of the community here,” Nolan said. “Plus, it’s a heck of a lot of fun.”
Some of the other departments that participated in the cart wash were: athletics, health, plastics, site and grounds.
The Center is a place for kids to learn and grow with each other.
“This place is structured, but based on the kids’ interest. It’s real homey, but a learning environment,” Nolan said.
Dr. Deborah Owens, director of the center, belives that the cart wash was a success and even ran a little later than planned.
“We will definitely do it again.”
Teacher Kathy Perez, a freshman here at Cerritos, chose to work at the center for a semester.
Perez is on the Summer Bridge program which gives her the choice to work in the Child Development Center.
“They’re having fun, everyone gets a turn. There is an equal amount of work for every kid and they’re having fun. After this, it’s lunch time, then nap,”
“They’ll probably be tired after this,” Perez added.
by: Amber Aguillard