UC Berkeley and Cerritos College have collaborated to help middle and low-income students who plan on transferring to the aforementioned university, Vice President of Student Services Stephen Johnson said at the Board of Trustees meeting last Wednesday.
Also, ASCC President Joe Cobarubbio informed the Board on the progress of the “Show Pride in Your Campus” event to be held on Oct. 19.
The recently formed Transfer Alliance Program will enable students who can’t afford to go to college the opportunity to be helped with tuition fees as well as transportation and housing.
Johnson hopes that students who plan to transfer to UC Berkeley and those who need assistance will take advantage of the program.
He added, “Students who apply will have an opportunity for one-on-one counseling with someone from Berkeley when a student transfers.”
As the Oct. 19 date for the “Show Pride in Your Campus” Campaign approaches, Cobarrubio said that he hoped that the event will attract numerous students to help keep Cerritos’ campus clean.
During the Senate meeting on Oct. 2, Cobarrubio displayed laminated flyers that will be posted in clean area restrooms that will provide a phone number where students can report a restroom that needs attention.
He commented that he hopes with the flyers students will be encouraged to show that they care about the campus and added that he hopes students will know that something is being done to help the campus stay clean.