Through song, dance and fashion, the International Student Association held its Spring Festival on April 10 in the Student Center.
More than 40 students were treated to music from different cultural backgrounds including performers from the Cerritos Chinese School.
Danita Kurtz, ISA adviser, gave the objective for hosting the event. “The hope was to expose a community to a diverse culture that makes up traditions as well as cultures.”
In addition, she hoped for a standing-room-only audience attendance, but nonetheless said the event was well-recieved.Among those in attendance at the event was Vice President of Student Services Stephen Johnson.
One of the performances that stood out for Kurtz was that of the Ribbon Dance and Peacock Dance from members of the Cerritos Chinese School. “It was great to see (all of the different) generations present,” she said.
In another performance, the Korean Traditional Dance Group performed the Traditional Drums and Traditional Fan Dance.
There are other plans to make the Spring Festival bigger, Kurtz explained.
“The Lunar New Year celebration and the Spring Festival would be combined because there are other cultures that the ISA hopes to bring out. Those cultures include the Colombian, European and African cultures.”
The Lunar New Year held on March 10 helped bring out more than 300 people. among those in attendance besides Kurtz was Vice President of Academic Affairs, William Farmer.
Farmer mentioned at the celebration that there is a possibility of networking with people from the Chinese Cerritos School and there are future plans to offer a Chinese language class at Cerritos.
With that type of networking that is what Kurtz said is the benefit that Cerritos students would get if events such as the Lunar New Year and Spring Festival were held more often.
Students will have the opportunity to know about what makes Cerritos as diverse as it is and that is what Kurtz happened at the Spring Festival.