The community in and out of Cerritos College has been exposed to sexual harassment in many different shapes and forms, but it goes unnoticed as immorality and awarded as an act of supremacy.
A woman cannot even walk down the street anymore without being vulgarly whistled at, followed by a crude comment, while the men congratulate each other in admiration.
These acts may seem like a fun, innocent game, but this type of behavior usually leads to more serious forms of sexual harassment such as rape or molestation.
Sexual harassment is just a subtle form of rape.
According to, in 2007 31 percent of women claimed to be harassed at work and 100 percent claimed the harasser was a man.
Also, for some reason, a lot of gay women appear to be the target for abusers because men seem to think that all a lesbian needs is “a real man” to turn straight. Fortunately, that assessment is just a fabrication of the male mind.
Men are so insecure about themselves that they have to mistreat women in order to feel respected amongst their fellow men.
Sexual harassment appears to be more about gaining power than it is about sex. Men have this pointless need to dominate over others, especially over the female gender.
Although some women may give the wrong impression due to what they wear or how they act around men, they are still not “asking for it”.
Men have to become aware of how to differentiate between women who are actually interested and those who are merely being friendly, because an intelligent woman will not confuse sexual harassment for just a simple misunderstanding.
Even the simplest inappropriate glance or comment should be considered sexual harassment and thought of as a punishable act.
Thankfully, many men are sophisticated enough to know the borderline between being friendly and sexually harassing a person. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a man treating a woman with equal respect and superiority as he would toward men.
Since males tend to get the wrong idea because they do not know better, women should be prepared at all times for a sexual assault and be more careful no matter where they are , especially if alone.
This behavior must stop.
Hopefully Cerritos College does not contain any of these provincial perverts and if it does, then something must be done in order to educate those men on respecting women.