As the construction at Cerritos College continues, technical difficulties are arising in classrooms.
The reason for the deficiency of heat is due to the replacement of the boilers in each building.
In classrooms, temperatures have dropped 5-10 degrees below the average temperature.
“Many of us in the Fine Arts department have complained,” said Ed Heckerman, Co-Chair of Photography.
So far, five boilers have been replaced.
The Fine Arts Building, among other buildings, are currently in the process of having boilers replaced.
The function of the boilers is the air blows on the hot water to bring up the temperature in the room, same with the air conditioning.
The plan for building a new cooling system is in progress of placing a giant central plant infrastructure with 3,000 tons of chilled water in an underground piping system connected to all buildings to improve efficiency.
The Grant air conditioner will reuse the same water, and be run to all classes and to the main tank and be cooled and ran back into the classrooms.
The central plant project is shy of $1 million from Edison for the use of the energy saving project.