With the fires in California that didn’t affect Cerritos College much, Oscar Franco decided that something must be done to help.
The commissioner of student outreach has placed blue piggie banks around campus at:
- the Student Center,
- the Student Activities office,
- the administration office,
- the library,
- the Social Science Building,
- the student health center,
- and the Liberal Arts Building.
“(These banks) are for the needs of people who lost their homes,” Franco said.
Franco encourages anyone to donate whatever they can into these banks.
“Spare change, coins, whatever people can give,” he said.
The deadline for this collection of money is next Wednesday.
The banks are located in visible areas where they can be kept an eye on by employees, such as the Taco Bell and the front desk of the library.
“I think if we were in a situation where we lost everything, we would like someone to be there for us,” Franco said.
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