For the last nine years, there has been construction going on and around Cerritos College.
The construction is now in its last phase of infrastructure.
It has taken some time but now is coming to an end.
While digging of the school ground was taking place, construction workers are putting up new high/low voltage lines, new chill water lines and natural gas lines, according to Dave Turner.
Robert Riffle, director of physical plant, said, “We’re done with the digging up of the inner campus and should be starting the beautification process. There will be sod put in and the replanting of plants that were dug up.”
In more than 12 months, there should be a the new classroom office complex built.
“It will hold technology materials. Then there will be a physical science division built also.” Riffle said.
While these buildings are being built, parking lots will be one of the many areas affected.