James Albanese, vice president of business services, held a study session where he went over the budget for 2008-09 at the Board of Trustees meeting on Jan. 21.
This week, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger must adopt an 18-month temporary budget.
Albanese said, “There’s a real cash flow problem and if the budget is to happen, there will not be any external borrowing.
“Worst case scenario, we will have to do some inter-fund borrowing and we will have big cash problems if budget is not met.
“I have never seen the budget look this bad. Student enrollment is over capacity and we cannot fund it but student access into the college will not be hurt.” James said.
The study session came to an end, hoping the governor would have a budget soon so there won’t be any inter-fund borrowing.
Next, Acting President Bill Farmer, presented the employee of the month awards to Nancy Mirabella and Vangie Rcichwcin.
As the meeting came to an end, many trustees had plenty of good things to say.
They all wished this semester would be even better than last semseter.