The Faculty Senate requested from the College Coordinating Committee that it forwards a recommendation to the Board of Trustees to approve the establishment of the Faculty Senate Committee on Student Learning Outcomes on March 9.
The Coordinating Committee had some minor changes it wanted to make to the SLO Committee, but it approved.
“It started last year as a taskforce,” said Faculty Senate Bryan Reece, who acted as chair of the taskforce.
Acting President Bill Farmer said, “SLOs and assessment are ways to improve programs.”
The committee would meet the second and fourth Monday of every month.
Managers would meet the first and third of every month.
The purposes of the committee would include:
- overseeing the SLO strategy for Cerritos,
- providing support to individuals and programs on campus that need assistance with developing and assessing SLOs.
- suggesting college-level resources to support SLOs,
- coordinating with other groups doing SLO work,
- overseeing SLO assessments for the AA/GE, career and technical, transfer, developmental education programs and institution and
- monitoring trends and practices on issues within the committee’s scope and communicating them to the college.
The committee would consist of one faculty member from 11 instructional areas, such as business education and counseling.
Also in the committee would be one faculty representative appointed by Faculty Senate, one appointed by CCFF, the vice president of Academic Affairs/Assistant Superintendent, two management representatives appointed by ACCME and one classified/confidential representative appointed by CSEA.
“We will also have one student representative appointed by ASCC,” Reece said.
Three more people would be appointed as non-voting members.
“We need some expertise in the room but not to throw off the voting balance,” Reece said.