The Cerritos College debate team won silver at the debate competition at Palomar Community College on April 25.
The participants were Juan Guerra, John Mecarthy and Tina Yang.
“It was a novice tournament. At first I was nervous. After you start debating, you get used to it,” Guerra said.
According to Samuel Kwon, vice president of the debate team, the competition was for amateur and novice members.
Some of the debate topics the group did were:
- gun control,
- high school exit exams and their harm to students and
- whether or not the Bush administration be prosecuted.
“We lost the first and the last round,” Guerra stated.
The elite members of various different other teams were at the competition to judge.
“Personally, I thought it was fantastic experience. I learned a lot from the (competitors). It’s a lot different than sitting there as a judge than it is participating,” Kwon shared.