Free hotel stay during spring break April 18-20, and meals are included.
The Transfer Center is presenting this to any students interested in the Northern California University Trip.
The trip includes a tour at UC Berkeley, UC Davis, and UC Merced. Each school is to have admission presentations along with student panels for any questions future students may have.
They will have information on policies and procedures for applying to that specific school.
Kasey Dempsey says “you must register with a 10 dollars deposit which will be returned once you aboard the bus.
In the past three years we have had approximately 60-70 applicants that apply, but we only have room for 40 people.”
The Transfer Center favor students with a 2.8 G.P.A or higher and close to transferring.
With an application (located in the Transfer Center or on along with a statement of interest, and a copy of your unofficial transcripts.
Preferably student interested in attending one of the three schools.
Last day to turn in your application package is March 9th at seven p.m.