Prostitution at massage parlors is an unlawful act that needs to re-evaluate the legitimacy of businesses that operate an intolerable crime.
The crime of prostituting women that are put in the middle of a degrading path of exchanging sex for money, is not only devaluing the female, but raises the demand to prove the massage parlor’s credentials.
With the city of Los Angeles being lenient on massage parlors for not showing proof that it is legally operating its business, then the expansion of these illegal massage parlors wouldn’t have increased to the amount they are today.
The constant frenzy of these parlors being raided by the city still prohibits prostitution to occur when scrutiny is not being prevailed. Somehow this tends to slip away from city officials to regulate on the crime of sex trafficking through fraud.
Investigating the operations of parlors isn’t the only issue to think about when it comes to the women that are put through a humiliating position of “satisfying” a client. The horrendous nature of prostitution doesn’t make it sound cleaner when it is fronted by a so-called “spa”.
How does Los Angeles stop the perpetuating prostitution that goes on within the neighborhoods and fraud at massage parlors?
Clearly, it isn’t seen obvious to the state that most of these parlors have a host of immigrants that are working in the grounds of sex tourism.
A recent article by on March 27, reported four illegal immigrants that were arrested in an act of sexual engagements in Stanford, Connecticut. This only accounts to the numerous crimes that are titled to “massage parlors”.
Women who are forced into this act of sex slavery, even though they are sometimes promised prominent jobs. Percentages of women being used for this kind of act goes off the chart as parlors are exceeding to an unknown number in the Los Angeles County area and other parts of the United States.
According to the website, an article from last summer, eight Korean women were arrested at a parlor. When these women were sold into prostitution, they were hoping to be working in nail salons. It only comes to show the human trafficking is conflicting with the law-abiding rules we’ve created.
To enforce the legislation to incriminate the heartless owners, who open up “spas” for customers to receive “loyal satisfaction”, need to be served with the justice that they deserve.
The women who are put into this matter are the ones who need to be served with a chance to speak for themselves in order to understand the background that they came from.
Senate Bill 180, which is meant to attack the business of human trafficking and slavery, supposedly is to investigate and incarcerate the criminals and protect the victims involved in the crime.
?Measure AB22, California Trafficking Protections Act is a bill held in California to help the victims of sex slavery to reestablish their lives.
If these laws are supposed to be intact with a civil remedy to battle against the prostitution that are taken place at massage parlors, then it comes to show that Los Angeles isn’t up to date with the program.
As a nation we need to open our eyes to the extreme conflicts as such, and begin to take the time to not let this become an ordinary business for our young generation to grow up in.