Team co-leader of Mediators Beyond Borders for the Rwanda Project Scott Martin visited Cerritos College and spoke to students about his humanitarian efforts in Rwanda in the Teleconference Center on Oct. 17 at 2:30 p.m.
Wycleaf Jean’s song “Million Voices” was played in the beginning of the presentation, followed by a 15 minute clip of the documentary called “Ghosts of Rwanda” for students to see and listen.
After the clip, history professor John Haas sat down with Martin and discussed Martin’s mediating efforts in Rwanda.
In Rwanda, Mediators Beyond Border’s program takes people from different parts of Rwanda and brings them to MBB’s nursery and teaches them skills like farming, business and peacekeeping skills.
That way when these people go back to their farms, they are more efficient. These skills also empower the people in Rwanda to keep peace among themselves and give themselves an identity.
During the end of the presentation, students were allowed to ask questions to Martin.
Landscape articulator major Danny Nunez came to the presentation to have a better view of Rwanda’s progress.
Nunez explained what he learned from the presentation, “We take things for granted and people should be more aware (of issues occurring elsewhere).”
Moses Boguaj, an international relation development major, said, “This presentation was amazing. Coming from Africa and seeing all these things being talk about these are real issues that are affecting all of us in Africa.”