Whether it was broken windows, stolen computers, or missing keys, throughout the 2012 fall semester different areas of Cerritos College had been vandalized and burglarized, with damages and stolen equipment amounting to thousands of dollars in replacements.
During the first week of the new semester, several newly renovated restrooms were vandalized with tagging marks made all over restroom stalls. There was also tagging on the hand dryers and scratches made on the mirrors.
The first burglary of the semester took place during the last weekend of September in both the Associated Students of Cerritos College office and the Game Room.
Both rooms rooms were vandalized and Cerritos College Police Chief Richard Bukowiecki estimated that $15,000 in school property was stolen and $2,000 in school property was damaged.
The second burglary of the semester was in the Graphic Design Lab located in room LC 173 of the Learning Resource Center on Oct. 23.
The lab had eight Mac desktop computers stolen, leaving classes in that particular lab struggling to complete their work.
Room FA 42 of the Fine Arts Building, also known as the Talon Marks Newsroom, was broken into and two Mac Desktop computers were stolen.
Cerritos College Campus Police officers recovered one of the two stolen computers and it is currently being held as evidence.
It is believed that three individuals were involved in the burglary.
The third burglary happened in the Associated Students of Cerritos College office on Friday, Nov. 2.
Several individual offices were broken into and had missing valuables from random documents to an iPod and a video game.
Among the valuables stolen was a school master key.
Since the burglary, all of the locks that the school master key would be able to open have been replaced.
Each burglary is still currently under investigation.