The Inter-Club Council held a meeting to give the different clubs on campus an opportunity to speak about upcoming events on Thursday Feb 21.
The meeting was conducted by ICC Commissioner, Ace Caguioa.
The first item on the agenda was the blood drive schedule update which was briefly touched upon.
Rob Torrez was the representative who spoke about the recent Valentine’s week blood drive that was held this month throughout the week of Feb. 11.
He reported that there was a great turnout for the blood drive this year.
“Last week was a total successful blood drive here at Cerritos College. Throughout the year it is our best blood drive,” Torrez said.
“We had just under 500 students come by our bus. We collected over 335 pints of blood. Over a thousand patients will be using the blood. We can’t thank you enough for what you clubs do. Thirty two clubs participated.”
He continued, “The contest means that the winning club who presents the most donors to our blood drive is going to get a nice crystal blood drop award at the Spring Banquet which I will present in May, and a pizza party for your own club.”
The next Red Cross Blood Drive will be April 15-18.
What followed was an announcement by Alicia Edquist, which informed the clubs that they could advertise, free of charge, in the Talon Marks newspaper about upcoming club events.
During the public forum portion of the meeting, the Psychology Club announced that a speaker from Children Today, which is an organization which helps less fortunate children with getting them their basic necessities, will be coming to campus on March 19 at 11 a.m. in SS215 in hopes of getting students more involved.
The Psychology Club also raised funds which will go toward the Children Today organization.
In other campus news, Coordinator of Student Activites Amna Jara announced that the title of the annual event, “Hoe Down Days” has been changed to “Spring Festival”.
She explained that the old Hoe Down Days theme was tired so they wanted to be able to do other themes, this year being “Mardis Gras”.
The event will consist of actually two separate events. The Falcon Games and the Spring Festival.
Jara went on to ensure students that it is expected to be a day full of carnival-related fun and games.
The first official day of the Spring Festival will be Tuesday, March 12, with the day’s event lasting from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Another upcoming event, ASCC will be hosting is the Masquerade Ball.
Masks will be mandatory, although students will be asked to remove them at the door upon entry, and to show a valid student identification card.
The Masquerade Ball will be held in the Student Center on March 14 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Tickets will be free of charge and will be available in the ASCC office March 4 and only 200 will be distributed.
Outside guests are welcomed under the condition that they attend along with an enrolled student.
Jara also mentioned in an effort to help students spend as little as possible, there will be mask templates made available in the ASCC office.