Generic Improvisational Peep Show and iFalcon teamed up to put an improvisational theater show together. All of the funds that were collected will be donated to next semester students in scholarships.
G.I.P.S was first found by Kevin Hoggard 20 years ago. Kevin managed to get the group to perform at nine local high schools.
With being on campus, the group felt at home and sold out the show. It was the first performance also the first of the semester.
G.I.P.S often performs at local high schools, it got its act together to perform in front of an adult audience.
Even though the faculty faced technical difficulties with the audio, the actors did not let it get the best of them and did what they came for, to make people laugh.
Lance Makinano, current ASCC president and student trustee elect said, “It was my first improv show and will definitely go to another one,” he added, “I would pay more than $3 next time, I was very impressed with the group and hope to see them grow stronger.”
The leader of the club, Forrest Hartl, mentioned the best way to have a good show is make sure your actors work well with each other. The hardest part is to get a team together.
It is also very important to take control of the crowd. The crowd can ruin a show as fast as they can make the show great. Even though they practice weekly they can never be too ready since it is improv.
For Nursing major Enzo Canepa being on stage is a passion. Getting a great reaction from the crowd makes performers keep up the pace. Keep the show moving forward and don’t let there be any awkward moments he adds. Clean comedy is better than dirty comedy. Seeing familiar faces laughing in the crowd is the best feeling/reaction you can receive as an actor Enzo mentions.