Maria Lopez
Maria Cevallos engages the workshop attendees during her presentation and encourages questions about the topics discussed.
The Cerritos College Re-entry program hosted a depression workshop on Wednesday, March 12 from 11 a.m. to noon. The workshop was presented by Maria Cevallos.
Cevallos began with an overview about what was mental health. Mental health is an illness that interrupts thinking and affects moods. One in five people will suffer depression at some point in their lives. Mental illness, which includes depression, is treatable.
She also spoke about the myths of depression and answered many questions from eager students. Contrary to popular belief, depression affects every one from different walks of life, regardless of social or economic status. Mental illness and depression doesn’t discriminate. Cevallos was glad that the workshop was full, “I feel that even if one person came to the workshop that, that is one more person that has additional knowledge to help themselves or help other people that they come into contact with. It’s like throwing one pebble into a river and the ripple effect, ripples out and that how it feels like.”
When the presentation touched upon the subject of the rates of depression in men and women, Francis Cortez undecided major said, “I feel that men should be able to talk about it, too. I feel that they might feel degraded by other men.” There were only about four male students present.
Cevallos said, “Well the workshop today was about depression. I don’t think it attracts men too much. Just the word depression is like ‘why would I go, I’m not interested in that’ even if they might suffer from it.” Women experience twice the rate of depression while men generally tend to deny their depression due to social stigma.
Cevallos spoke about the rates of depression in children and adolescents and the elderly. Students with younger siblings or children should seek help from their child’s school psychologist if they seem to be suffering from symptoms of depression. Cevallos said, “I would recommend that they talk to their school counselor. That’s the first step, talk to the teacher, talk to the school counselor and get a referral.”
Depression in the elderly is as high 6.5 million of the 35 million Americans 65 or older. Depression among the elderly goes untreated due to the belief that it is a part of aging.
Those suffering from depression should consult a psychologist or a Cerritos College counselor.
Additional info can be found at National Alliance on Mental Illness
The Department of Mental Health access line is a 24/7 service, and the number is