Toni Reveles
Chief of Justice Trent Coates leads court on Tuesday, Dec. 1. The court discussed the budget on student funds. Photo credit: Toni Reveles
As the discussion heated up Chief of Justice Trent Coates said, “The court is here for the students of Cerritos College.”
ASCC Court started around 11:07 am on Tuesday, Dec. 1 to discuss the items on the agenda.
After the approval of minutes, ASCC Court discussed the financial code 4.71.
Code 4.71 states, “Regulations for Student Ad-Hoc Trips. Expenditures from Undistributed Reserves to finance student Ad-Hoc Travel shall only be made:
With faculty advisor approval by the Instructional Dean or designee, prior to officially requesting funding.
The approval of the ASCC Executive Cabinet.
Two-thirds (2/3) of the Student Senate with the following conditions as part of the legislative approval.
A court members asked, “What about students who don’t pay the student representation fee? Should they get funded?”
Another member brought up a point of view, “Does that concern teachers since they don’t pay the fee and they go on trips with student money?”
In order for a club to go on a trip, the club has to take an administrator, the trips usually have financial help from the reserve funds.
Chief Coates needed some more information before he spoke on this issue so he said it will be addressed at next weeks meeting.
Coates was not on board with the idea of having professors pay for field trips.
He said, “No, I don’t think they should personally. They are there to help the students and students cannot go on trips without them.”
The next item on the list was a court review, since there is a meeting next week the court did not get in to a full discussion because it will discuss this next week.
Chief Coates said he thought the court was doing well, but needed to work on attendance.
After discussing the progress of the court, they moved to adjournment at 11:28 a.m.