On Wednesday, Feb. 15 the ASCC Senate approved funding for the Architectural Design Club to attend the AIA Convention and the Model United Club to attend LAMUN.
“I’m passionate about Architecture and excited for the convention. I think it is a great opportunity for our club members to network with professionals and learn more about Architecture.” Juan Ferrer, Co-President of the Architectural Design Club said.
The American Institute of Architects is an association that helps educate Architect students and offer key information from the latest architectural technologies to vital tips on passing the Architect Registration Examination.
Ferrer added that this trip will allow him to explore more into sustainable design, solutions for homeless and issues future architects tackle.
This is Ferrer’s first time attending the convention and hopes to attend every year.
The AIA convention is five day convention in Orlando, Florida.
The Architectural Design Club has successfully fundraised 10 percent of total costs.
Senator Joseph Escandon said “I believe that allowing students opportunities to learn more about their future career will help the students succeed.”
He added that the AIA Convention will allow Cerritos College students a chance to be educated about cutting edge technology and having the opportunity to network with industry professionals raises their chance to succeed and secure an internship or a job.
Carlos Soto, CCMUN President presented LAMUN UCLA Model United Nations Conference where students attend to not only expand and demonstrate their knowledge of the United Nations but also be recognized and awarded for it, as well as allowing them to network with student from universities both nationally and internationally.
LAMUN is four day conference from April 20-24 in Universal City.
20 students and one advisor will be attending.
During the LAMUN discussion, Talon Marks was brought up as a potential guest to cover the conference.
Senate was fully supportive of having Talon Marks join the conference and found a financial solution to cover the hotel room and the extra meals that would be required.
In the end, the solution was adding more money to the request and having a female journalist room with another female student because of the rooms available.
Senator Escandon said “I believe we need to consider adding a Talon Marks travel account or find alternative solutions to provide Talon Marks the same opportunities of networking and allowing them hands on experience covering stories off campus and bringing their perspectives to the Cerritos College readers.”
Senator Alex Ochoa said, “LAMUN is important for students to partake in since they will be able to have first-hand experience of being part of an event that represents the model of the United Nations.”
He added that the convention will provide students with leadership skills that they will be able to take with them everywhere they go.