Lucio Ramirez being sworn in by Vie President Enrique Rodriguez. Ramirez chose to be a senator because he considers a career in politics in the future. Photo credit: Jocelyn Torralba
On Wednesday, Feb. 22 ASCC Senate meeting welcomed Lucio Ramirez as a new senator.
“I wanted to become a senator because I wanted to represent the students like me that are returning students in the senate, I also wanted to gain parliamentary experience since I am considering a career in politics down the line,” Ramirez said.
Ramirez is a Business Management and Economics major and has been attending Cerritos since 2014 and said that he recently found out about ASCC last semester.
He added that he was definitely nervous and had to ask several members of the Senate for guidance. He also asked ASCC President Saul Lopez-Pulido for guidance.
Ramirez gave a speech stating why he wants to be in the senate after he was done, none of the senators opposed his appointment into the senate.
Dean of Students Services Elizabeth Miller and Lopez-Pulido also introduced the Budget Process Feedback.
There will be a meeting on Friday, March 3 at noon in BK 111/112 discussing roles and rules for the committee, the process and overview of total budget requests and total expected revenue.
“We’ll be discussing the first week of the budget, so the budget proposals are just going to be finished. It is going to be the attentive total of everything requested, we’re going to go over the committee standing rules and the tentative expenditures vs our income,” Lopez-Pulido said.
No legislations will be discussed during the meeting.
Lopez-Pulido added that no legislations will be cut because it provides an opportunity for senators to see it next year, knowing that they don’t have to do a legislation this year but see their initiative, they can submit a request if they like to see it stay on campus.
“Like I said in the meeting, keep in mind and trust that I appointed the right people, that I did so for the intent on transparency. I already emailed all of the members of the student government the time and the place so they advertise that this is happening so that students can come talk or at least witness some of the things we do for student government,” Lopez- Pulido said.
Three staff members will be part of the meeting, Miller, Student Events Specialist Cynthia Chavez, and Program Facilitator Amber Dofner.
“The general Senate can prepare for budget discussions by reviewing the current budget book to gain an understanding of what was approved this year, as well as legislation for new or additional funds that were passed during this year,” Miller said.